Cheap Turf: Everything You Need to Know About Buying Turf on a Budget

Cheap turf

We sat down with the guys at A View Turf and asked the hard questions that we think every warm-blooded Australian searching for the best value for money turf should know the answers to. Here are their answers… Q. Why are some turfs cheaper than others? A. You get what you pay for. Turf price […]

Lawn Prices Debunked: The Real Costs Behind A Lush New Lawn

Turf Varieties

There’s no doubt about it… A lush new lawn adds a certain polish, comfort and liveability to any home. It’s the first thing people see when they look at your property and a vibrant, well-manicured lawn shows a certain attention to detail and diligence that every homeowner can take pride in. But, how much should […]

Are You Wiling to Pay The 4 Hidden Costs of Cheap Lawn?

Picture this… You back out of your driveway on the way to another day in the office. You check your mirrors and there it is again, a brown, patchy poor-excuse for a lawn staring you in the face. You can’t ignore it, you can’t escape it… your front lawn is a farce! Unfortunately, this situation […]

Matilda – Australia’s Leading Lawn

With a name synonymous with the Southern Cross, Anzac biscuits and being a “good bloke”, Matilda Buffalo grass is a cut above the rest. We extensively tested Matilda against 19 other Buffalo breeds in the tough Australian conditions and it consistently outperformed the competition. Matilda has the highest shade tolerance, wear tolerance and disease resistance […]

7 Lawn Care Tips for Dog Owners

Few accomplishments feel as fulfilling as taking care of a living thing, whether it’s a family member, a potted plant or a beloved pet. Unfortunately, taking care of both a dog and a lawn can prove frustrating and even counterproductive. While it’s true that your dog is hard on your grass, you don’t have to […]

On the Fence? Why You Should Lay Sod Instead of Growing Grass Yourself

Does your yard resemble a mud pit more than a lush, green lawn? If you inherited an ugly yard from a previous owner or simply let your yard go, you can find an easy way to fix it. In the past, homeowners had to wait weeks or even months to revive their lawns using outdated […]

Get to Know the Nutrients Your Lawn Needs

You love the look and feel of a lush, green lawn. You consulted turf experts to choose a grass variety that would grow well in Sydney’s soil and weather conditions. You follow their recommendations for mowing, watering, weeding and fertilising. As a result, your lawn stays plush and hardy year round. In most places, that […]

Gardening Australia Live

A View Turf will be apart of Sydney’s largest Gardening Expo. Gardening Australia Live is the perfect way to see the latest products and Varieties when it comes to your Lawn. We can show you all the latest ideas, products and give you the perfect solution to all your lawn needs. Come and see us […]

Health & Lifestyle Benefits Of Lawn

Turf adds more than aesthetic appeal. Lawns provide a number of benefits to our health and lifestyle. Psychologically, the colour green encourages a feeling of restfulness, calm and relaxation. Green and nature are vital for our general sense of wellbeing. Adding grass to your landscape improves your human experience and mental health. Health benefits include […]

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