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Turf Varieties

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Our Turf Varieties

Matilda Lawn​

Matilda lawns are frequently used in residential gardens, commercial premises and council spaces for its easy care, pet-friendly resilience, drought tolerance and evergreen colour.


Palmetto Buffalo grass has an average winter colour. During extreme winter weather, it will discolour and regain its colour during Spring.

Soft-leaf Buffalo Grass

Shade Master’s Soft-Leaf Buffalo has an average water usage requirement but isn’t as drought tolerant as some of the other varieties of buffalo out there.

Sydney Buffalo

A medium to broad leaf Buffalo that has a good drought tolerance but isn’t as drought tolerant as some of the other varieties of buffalo out there. Its durability is high which provides families and pets with a soft surface to enjoy and relax.


Originally native to the highlands of East Africa, Kikuyu turf is now neutralised in many coastal regions of Australia. It grows very vigorously and for this reason, it one of the most durable lawns around, tolerating long dry patches.

Winter Green Couch

Wintergreen Couch is full sun tolerant, durable to weather. It will not tolerate high traffic areas. It is less ideal for around a home as it is a higher maintenance Lawn.

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