Fertilise Your Lawn

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fertilise your lawn

It’s Time to feed your Lawn….

To ensure your Lawn will thrive through the summer months it is important to fertilise your lawn NOW. The winter can be quite harsh on your lawn and needs the nutrients to maintain a healthy lush lawn and prepare it with our harsh climate change and heat. The right Fertiliser can determine the performance of your lawn throughout the seasons, a good fertiliser will release and feed your lawn as needed to keep it not only looking great but cope with everyday events whether it is used to entertain on, Kick a ball around or enjoying the outdoors with the kids and pets, you want your lawn to be as soft and lush as the day you laid it.

Our premium lawn Fertiliser is a granular formula designed to feed your lawn releasing the right nutrients maintaining the health and strength of your lawn. Fertilising your lawn 3 times a year will guarantee your lawn to last a lifetime.

We recommend to Fertilise Late Winter to Early Spring-(Aug-Sept), Mid Summer (Jan-Feb) and the end of Autumn (May). This will help your Lawn to become more resilient to disease and reattain and good winter colour. It is very important to remember when you fertilise to water immediately after you have applied the fertilise for approximately 20min, if left unwatered it can burn your Lawn.

Our Premium lawn fertiliser can be purchased from our online shop delivered to your door, whilst you are there have a look at some of our other products available to keep your lawn looking great.



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